Mid-Winter BBQ - Hilary Dawkins
Mid-Winter BBQ - Hilary Dawkins


  • Club Night
    Members and visitors are welcome at Club Night, usually held the first Friday of each month, 7.30pm, Mt Stuart Hall (cnr Byard St and Raymont Terrace, Mt Stuart). Hear the latest Club news followed by a presentation from a member/guest speaker. Finish the night with a light supper and a chat.
  • Picnic/BBQ
    Orana Camp, Roches Beach is ideal for the annual January picnic/bbq. Some walking and cycling groups arrive in time to enjoy a picnic/BBQ lunch and maybe a swim!
  • Mid-Winter BBQ
    The Waterworks is the perfect location for a Mid-winter BBQ. Enjoy a brisk morning walk before settling in for a relaxing BBQ lunch.
  • Annual Dinner
    Round out the year at the Annual Dinner where Club awards are presented, and entertainment is provided.
  • Volunteer Thank You Function
    Held to thank the 90+ volunteers who give their time to keep the Club rolling. Every second year sees the launch of The Tasmanian Tramp, the Club's biennial publication.