Tasman National Park - Ross Stephens
Tasman National Park - Ross Stephens


Visitors are welcome to try up to three activities before joining.

  • Approval of the trip coordinator is required the day before the trip.
  • If you are not a member of a Bushwalking Tasmania (BWT) club, a full Club member must accompany you.
  • Members of clubs affiliated with BWT may attend trips unaccompanied.
  • The coordinator will provide you with a copy of the Visitor Risk Waiver which you must sign before commencing the activity.
  • If places are limited, Club members will be given priority over visitors. 

You can join HWC at any time by completing the Join Form. You will become a Prospective member immediately and gain full access to the Club's calendar of activities. As a Prospective member, you still need to contact the coordinator before attending Club activities.